Hey blog! :)
Just finished my English paper in the morning and
MT Oral in the afternoon.
Two papers down and 7 more to go.
Am having a four-days break before the next paper start
which are Literature and Math Paper 1
I think I'll gonna be using the four days to study
instead of relaxing..
Have totally no confidence for my Literature and
hoping the best for my Math.
Hopefully I can be able to score well ><
Today's English paper was not exactly that hard but also
not totally easy.
While discussing the answers for editing with my friends,
I realized that my answer was different from them.
Really scared alright ! ._.
Really tried to do my best for both Paper 1 and Paper 2.
I put in a lot of effort and pick the best answer I can have
I swear
Really hoping that my hard work would pay off
Paper 2's visual text was sort of tricky but the
comprehension was all right I guess.
Put in the heart and soul for summary and hoping for the best for it.
For yesterday's Mother Tongue paper,
I totally screwed up and I mean it.
For paper 1, I wrote out of point..
The question was 《讓我感到難為情的一件事》and what I
wrote was about 為難..
Really want to strangle myself man.
How could I make such a mistake for interpreting the
question wrongly ?!
Really wish that the marker would be lenient to me and
let me go this time round ..
Please T_T
Okay I'm gonna stop writing for today.
All the readers out there, do wish me luck for my examinations! ^^